The 2-Step Sleep Solution That May Reduce Your Risk for Dementia

Do you wake frequently during the night, have restless sleep, or trouble falling back to sleep after waking? These are signs of poor sleep consolidation—your time spent asleep is fragmented. Though you might spend 8 hours in bed, you may spend only 4 hours sleeping. Poor sleep has been associated with a broad range of […]

6 Reasons Why You Can Still Have Symptoms in Celiac Disease after Gluten Elimination

Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease where gluten consumption triggers an inflammatory response and damage to the intestines. It is caused by a complex interaction between genetic predisposition, intestinal microbiome, environment, and immune system. Symptoms & Diagnosis Symptoms can vary widely but can include gastrointestinal symptoms such as abdominal pain, diarrhea, bloating, and mouth sores, […]

How to Use Nutrition to Help Combat Addiction

Though the rates of cigarette smoking, alcohol abuse, and cocaine use have declined in recent years, addiction to these and other substances continue to be a serious problem. Sometimes addiction can even start with a prescribed medication that may have been very beneficial to reduce symptoms and improve quality of life at the time. 2.5% […]

Forest Medicine and The Science Behind Shinrin-Yoku

Source: Unsplash

Less than 0.01% of our species existence has been in our modern, urbanized surroundings. (1) Throughout the 99.99% of our species’ time before this urbanization, we had many more interactions with nature and subsequent adaptations of our immune system, genetic expression, microbiota ecosystem, and stress response. Our bodies react to airborne plant compounds and work in symbiosis with […]

How Reducing Toxin Exposure Can Promote a Healthy Weight

How Reducing Toxin Exposure Can Promote a Healthy Weight

It may not surprise you that the majority of my patients come in with some level of concern about their weight. Even if it is not their primary concern, the issue is on their short list. Certainly part of that comes down to societal constructs of what we think we should look like, comparing perfectly […]

Struggling with weight loss? Lipedema may be the reason why.

Struggling with weight loss? Lipedema may be the reason why.

“It all started in menopause. The weight started to come on gradually, primarily in my arms and legs, and I couldn’t seem to get it to go away. I tried everything. I eat a super clean diet and I work out religiously. The weight barely budges. I feel like something is wrong with me. I […]

10 Things You Can do to Help Control Healthy DNA Expression

If you have a parent or other family member with a health condition like high cholesterol or cancer you’ve probably considered you may have a genetic predisposition for those conditions. Though this may be true, it doesn’t mean you can’t influence your risk. It’s no secret that diet and exercise can have positive influences on […]

Getting the Most out of Weight Lifting: An Introduction to Protein, BCAAs, and Nutrient Timing for Optimizing Athletic Performance

If you do weight lifting are you eating enough protein or getting it in the right time frame? Are BCAAs a good addition to your program? What’s right for you may be different from what’s right for someone else…

8 Reasons Your Probiotic Isn’t Working

Probiotics have become enormously popular, expected to reach $42 billion dollars in global sales this year. [1] This is due largely to our rapidly expanding knowledge of our microbiome and the impacts of gut bacteria on aspects of our health ranging from body composition, mood, genetic expression, immune response, and beyond. There is even a growing […]