Is Keto a Good Option for PCOS?

Keto & PCOS

PCOS, or polycystic ovarian syndrome, is a common condition characterized by signs and symptoms of high testosterone, insulin resistance, irregular or absent periods, abnormal hair growth (hirsutism), acne, fertility difficulties, and ovarian cysts. One of the primary approaches to PCOS includes controlling insulin which conventionally includes a prescription for metformin. Whether you go this route, […]

How Reducing Toxin Exposure Can Promote a Healthy Weight

How Reducing Toxin Exposure Can Promote a Healthy Weight

It may not surprise you that the majority of my patients come in with some level of concern about their weight. Even if it is not their primary concern, the issue is on their short list. Certainly part of that comes down to societal constructs of what we think we should look like, comparing perfectly […]